เนื้อเพลง To The Shining Mountains - Johnny Cash

ดู 264 ครั้ง / แชร์
ศิลปิน Johnny Cash | เพิ่มเมื่อ 6 พฤษภาคม 2557

เนื้อเพลง To The Shining Mountains

Yes, went they through the Lehigh Valley
To Lake Erie past Virginia
And the land called out its challenge
Bring your men to match our mountains
See the green Ohio Valley
See the Cumberland, the Wabash

On the Tennessee they floated
On great rafts to the Mississippi
And the Cherokee and Shawnee
And the Creek and The Ojibwa
And the Choctaw and the Quapaw
And all the tribes along the rivers

[?] that they were coming
That the white man was upon them
They built their homes along the rivers
Built their churches, brought their preachers
Came upon the white misery
Stopped before the shining mountains

Many died from the beginning
For the freedom of America
Like that day down in New Orleans

เนื้อเพลง Johnny Cash ยอดฮิต


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