มารีญา พูลเลิศลาภ

Sustainability, to me, means much more than planning for our future, it encompasses ethical and moral philosophies that shapes who we are as individuals, as a society and as one with the planet.

Thank you @tellscore and co. for seeing the importance of the initiatives that we've been working on and that I’ve shared on this platform. 

Programs I’d love for you to join:

- Improving the welfare of Farm animals: #ChangeForChickens . Chicken is the no.1 consumed meat. Seeing first hand how these animals are treated as commodities rather than living beings is one thing, the other is how the use of antibiotics in these amounts affects consumer health as well as pollutes the areas surrounding the factories. If you must eat meat, buy better meat. To start there is a list of approved farms on @worldanimalprotectionthailand website. This is not just for those in Thailand - because the meat produced in factory farms here are shipped all over the world (Not to mention how much land and resources are used up to produce animal feed)

- Improving welfare of captive Elephants in Thailand. Go to WAP’s website to see an approved sanctuary list + sign captive elephant Act. Elephants are a key-stone species, enough said. Their habitat is also decreasing so please support organizations that work on land conservation for wild life like @ourlandthailand .

- #ThailandCleanAirAct - to help clean up our air by holding big players accountable and most importantly decentralizing the power in our environmental decisions.

- #Love4Air and other initiatives you can find on @sos.thailand and @socialgiver, where each purchase supports a cause. You can donate or shop to support Love4Air where we supply nursery’s up North with air filters for children who spend majority of their day there where air quality levels are extremely poor mostly in the end/beginning each year.

- @gybn.thailand they’re doing so many projects linked to biodiversity, please show your support as biodiversity loss is probably on of the top urgent issue of our time.
If you’ve made it through all this text thank you! I’ll need to find a way to summarize all this easily for ya’ll 💗😘


2 ต.ค. 65 - 19:15:24
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26 ข้อความ