เจมส์ มาร์
เจมส์ มาร์

To: Kimberley and P’ Mark
So many words and emotions going through my heart now but lets start by saying congratulations!!!! As your friend, I want to say I love you both so much. We grew up reading fairytales as a kid and on this special day, I am living in one 📖. Both of you are always really sweet to me and I appreciate your Love and kindness, and I will always be your little brother and friend ❤️ Thank you for the invitation as I will remember this experience forever 🙏🤟 cheers to you Kimberley and p’Mark….. Can’t wait to experience your next fairytale 😍 #markimthewedding

18 ก.ย. 66 - 18:45:17
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