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นนท์ - ธนนท์ จำเริญ
นนท์ - ธนนท์ จำเริญ

【Nont Tanont 1st Concert in Taipei】

泰國國民人氣歌手Nont Tanont 首度登台獻唱 ! 想一起沉浸在 Nont Tanont 的溫柔嗓音下嗎? 2024年5月18日18:30在Legacy MAX,千萬不要錯過這次難得的機會。

演出日期:2024年5月18日 (六)
演出地點:信義劇場Legacy MAX
票價:NTD2,450、身障席NTD 1,225
售票網址: https://10percent.kktix.cc/events/lemsif
售票時間:2024年4月13日(六) 中午12:00
售票網址: https://10percent.kktix.cc/events/fewhyty

Date: 18th May, 2024 (SAT)
Performance Time: 18:30 (Actual performance time based on the situation on-site)
Venue: Legacy Max
Address: 6th Floor, No. 11, Song Shou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Ticket prices: NTD2,450
Tickets on sale: 13th Apr, 2024 (SAT) 12:00
Ticketing web: https://10percent.kktix.cc/events/lemsif
Package prices: NTD450、NTD350、NTD250
Fan benefits package on sale: 21st Apr, 2024 (SUN) 15:00
Ticketing web: https://10percent.kktix.cc/events/fewhyty

● 全為站席,後方站席將會墊高
● 觀眾入場將按照序號整隊,請務必於演出日前至火種娛樂社群詳讀入場辦法,如您未能於公佈的整隊時間內報到整隊,將視同放棄您的序號優先權力,需按照工作人員指示,至排隊隊伍最後依序入場。
● 人身安全起見,孕婦及身高未滿 110 公分或未滿 7 歲孩童,請勿購買站席票券,主辦方將有權謝絕入場。
●The entire venue is standing room only. The standing area at the rear will be elevated.
●Upon entry, please queue according to your assigned number. Be sure to check The Spark Entertainment’s social media for entry notifications. If you fail to queue up within the announced queue time specified in the entry notice, your assigned queue number will be forfeited, and you must follow onsite staff instructions for entry.
●For safety measures, pregnant women and children under 110cm or under 7 years old are prohibited from entering.

More Information @thesparkentertainment2022
#NontTanont1stConcertinTP #NONTTANONT

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